
What Muscles Do Treadmills Work?

What Muscles Do Treadmills Work? - MOX Skincare

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What muscles do treadmills work?

What muscles do treadmills work? This is one of those things my brain questions as I hop on the running belt of doom that may have thrown me off like a bucking horse before. To keep you from also being flung across the room (because no dude looks attractive flailing through the air, except maybe Superman or Batman), make sure you lower the intensity of the treadmill before you step on; this helps you stay on the treadmill like glue and work your muscles with vigor. 

Now that we’ve figured out gravity, let’s answer the question: What muscles do treadmills work?

What Muscles Do Treadmills Work?

What muscles do treadmills work? Quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, gluteus maximus, hip flexors, core muscles, chest muscles, and shoulder muscles.

What muscles do treadmills work? If you prefer exercising indoors or just like to run in place (no judgment), trying a treadmill for a normal workout will engage about eight of your muscles. Here's a breakdown of each muscle, along with why and how the treadmill works it out:

  1. Quadriceps: Located at the front of your thigh, the quadriceps are heavily engaged when you exercise on a treadmill, especially if you’re walking or running (not sure what else you’d be doing). The quadriceps extend your knee joint, propelling you forward.
  2. Hamstrings: At the back of your thigh, your hamstrings work with your quadriceps to flex your knee joint during the swing phase of walking, jogging, or running. They are crucial for balance and stability, which is needed on a treadmill (trust us). 
  3. Calves (Gastrocnemius and Soleus): Your calves are located on the back of your lower leg. They are responsible for plantar flexion, which is a term that means pointing your toes downward. This is needed for pushing off the running belt while on the treadmill.
  4. Gluteus Maximus: As the largest muscle in your butt (we know you’re laughing), the gluteus maximus plays a huge role in propelling your body forward during treadmill workouts. It extends your hip joint, providing power and stability with each stride. 
  5. Hip Flexors: These muscles, including the iliopsoas and rectus femoris, are located on the front of your hip. They help lift your thigh toward your torso and are engaged during the swing phase of walking and running on the treadmill, similar to your hamstrings.
  6. Core Muscles (Abdominals and Lower Back): While exercising on a treadmill, your core muscles stabilize your body and help you maintain proper posture. This group of muscles includes your rectus abdominis, obliques, and erector spinae muscles.
  7. Chest Muscles (Pectorals): Although not the main focus, your pectoral muscles are engaged during treadmill workouts, especially if you incorporate incline, decline (more on this below), or upper body movements like pumping your arms
  8. Shoulder Muscles (Deltoids): Your deltoid muscles may also be engaged to some degree during your treadmill workout, especially if you use your arms for balance or incorporate hand weights, which may provide you with some cool added benefits.

Overall, a treadmill provides a great lower-body workout while also engaging core and upper-body muscles. This does depend on speed, incline, and other movements. Knowing what muscles the treadmill works is key for an exhilarating, sweaty workout.


What muscles do treadmills work? Try the MOX Muscle Roller to ease muscle pain and discomfort fast.


What Muscles Do Treadmills Work if You Use Them on an Incline?

What muscles do treadmills work if you use them on an incline? Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, and more.

Let’s move over to this question: What muscles do treadmills work if you use them on an incline? Truth is, inclined treadmills are the bee's knees for getting an even better workout in;  they work your muscles more efficiently and thoroughly (for a more jacked version of you – if done regularly). Check out the muscles that a good quality incline treadmill exercise will work:

  • Quadriceps: The incline on your treadmill places greater demand on your quadriceps as they work harder to lift your body against gravity.
  • Glutes: The gluteal muscles, particularly the gluteus maximus (are you really laughing again?), help extend your hip joint to push your body up the inclined treadmill.
  • Hamstrings: While your hamstrings are involved, their activity is reduced compared to flat terrain treadmills, but they still work to stabilize your knee and hip joints.
  • Calves: Your calves help push you off the ground, but they may have increased activation due to the need to maintain balance and stability on the inclined treadmill.
  • Hip Flexors: Your hip flexors lift your legs against gravity during each step.
  • Core Muscles: Your core muscles work harder to stabilize your body and maintain proper posture on an inclined treadmill.
  • Adductors and Abductors: Located on your inner and outer thighs, these muscles stabilize your pelvis and maintain the alignment of your legs on an inclined treadmill.

What Muscles Do Treadmills Work if You Use Them on a Decline?

What muscles do treadmills work if you use them on a decline? Shin muscles, hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, and more.

Next, let’s answer: What muscles do treadmills work if you use them on a decline? Using a treadmill on a decline mainly focuses on eccentric muscle contractions. These contractions are important for controlling movement and reducing strain on your joints. Cool, right? Here is a more in-depth look at the muscles you may work when exercising on a treadmill with a decline:

  • Hamstrings: Your hamstrings control the descent of your body as it moves downhill; they lengthen under tension to slow down your leg's forward movement.
  • Calves: Your calf muscles, particularly the soleus, control your ankle movements and provide stability during the descent on a treadmill with a decline.
  • Quadriceps: While your quadriceps are not as engaged as on treadmills with inclines, they work to stabilize your knee joints and control the descent.
  • Glutes: The gluteal muscles are engaged to control the movement of your hips and help you maintain stability during workouts on a declined treadmill.
  • Hip Flexors: Your hip flexors are engaged less compared to an inclined or flat treadmill, but they still help lift your legs and maintain proper form.
  • Core Muscles: Your core muscles stabilize your body, especially as your it leans backward on a declined treadmill.
  • Shin Muscles (Tibialis Anterior): On the front of your lower leg, these muscles control the dorsiflexion of your foot and prevent your toes from hitting the treadmill.

The Benefits of Using a Treadmill for Exercise

What muscles do treadmills work? Some benefits of using a treadmill to workout are weight management, mood enhancement, boosted overall health, and more.

Now that you can answer the question: What muscles do treadmills work? let's explore their other health benefits:

What muscles do treadmills work? Try the MOX Muscle Roller's herbal formula to ease muscle discomfort.

What Muscles Do Treadmills Work? How Long Should You Workout on a Treadmill?

What muscles do treadmills work? People of different age ranges need unique amount of time for exercise weekly.

Based on your fitness level, goals, and health, there are time recommendations from Mayo Clinic to take into account before hopping on the treadmill to work out. For example, children (ages 5-11) need 60 minutes of physical activity daily, but treadmills aren’t for kids, sorry

Adolescents (12-17) need 60 minutes most days of the week. Adults (18-64) can aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (more on this below), or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity with muscle-strengthening exercises on two days (weekly).

Older adults (65+) can focus on the same exercise guidelines as adults, except they can choose workouts that improve balance, flexibility, and strength. If you’re an older adult and want to start on a treadmill, make sure to begin gradually, listen to your body, and modify as you go.

About Aerobic and Anaerobic Workouts and Treadmill Exercises

What muscles do treadmills work? About aerobic and anaerobic workouts and treadmill exercises.

Have you ever heard about aerobic and anaerobic workouts? If you answered yes because you saw it above then you’re a funny guy, and at MOX, we love funny guys. After all, Simon Rex, a comedic Hollywood star and professional handsome dude, is our co-founder, so it checks out.

Aerobic and anaerobic workouts are two diverse types of workouts that target different energy systems within your body. Mixing both aerobic and anaerobic treadmill exercises in your workout routine covers all bases for fitness, giving you awesome health and performance benefits.

Here is a quick breakdown of aerobic and anaerobic workouts by Straight Up Health:

Video: The Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Workouts    |   Source: Straight Up Health

Tips for Nailing Your Treadmill Workout and Form

Did you know that treadmills are one of the most beneficial exercises you can do? It’s important to know that this is only true if you know how to use a treadmill correctly. Dr. Justin Lin, a Physical Therapist, shows you the proper form to keep while using the treadmill in this video:

Video: Physical Therapist Teaches How To Maximize Your Treadmill Workout Safely    |   Source: Rehab and Revive

What muscles do treadmills work? Tips to maximize your treadmill workout.

The 5 Best Treadmills of 2024

What muscles do treadmills work? The five best MOX-approved treadmills in 2024.

Are you in the market for a new treadmill in 2024 to take your workouts to new heights? We scoured the internet to find the top 5 best treadmills of 2024 to make shopping easier for you:

  1. Peloton Tread+
  2. Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill
  3. NordicTrack Commercial 2450 Treadmill
  4. Echelon Stride
  5. Bowflex Treadmill 22

What Muscles Do Treadmills Work? Manage Your Muscle Soreness With the MOX Muscle Roller

What muscles do treadmills work? Actor Simon Rex co-founded MOX Skincare to actually work on men's skin.

What muscles do treadmills work? MOX Skincare, co-founded by Simon Rex, was featured on CBS, FOX, and more.

Now that you can answer, “What muscles do treadmills work?” you may be curious about what you can do after the treadmill to make sure you don’t have any muscle discomfort or pain. After all, treadmills do work your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, gluteus maximus, hip flexors, core muscles, chest muscles, and shoulder muscles (AKA a lot of potential muscle soreness).

The MOX Muscle Roller is an innovative creation by our formulator and Cosmetic Chemist, Pharmacist Ben Fuchs. He says it’s like a tiny ice bath in a tube that expertly relieves soreness and discomfort for fast-acting, extended relief. Pharmacist Ben’s formula is so beneficial because it features wintergreen, eucalyptus oil, menthol, and peppermint oil to cool and relax.

Pharmacist Ben was a former bodybuilder, so you can bet your bottom dollar that he knows his muscle science and stuff (did we just quote Annie?). Not only did he make the MOX Muscle Roller a must-have post-workout necessity for repair and restoration, but it’s also an excellent pre-workout to get your muscles ready for action and for improved circulation. 

What Muscles Do Treadmills Work? Get rid of muscle soreness and discomfort fast with the MOX Muscle Roller.

Alright, smart guy – pop quiz time: What muscles do treadmills work? If you answered the question without scrolling up to check, good for you. But before you go treadmill shopping, make sure to follow us on IG and join our email list to keep updated on topics important to men.



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